Appreciation from my clients

“After going through a difficult period of depression, I was lost and demotivated. However, thanks to the expertise of Gijs VAN BREUGEL, I was able to learn to live with my depression and find meaning and joy in my life. His coaching sessions helped me to rebuild my life after depression and to adopt a positive outlook on the future. I am deeply grateful to Gijs for his invaluable support and advice. I would highly recommend his services to anyone looking to get back to a fulfilling life after depression.”
Julie M.
“After a personal burnout, I felt completely exhausted and helpless. Gijs helped me to rebuild my life and find a new balance. His caring approach, combined with his expertise in coaching and therapy, enabled me to overcome my difficulties and rediscover my zest for life. I would highly recommend his VIP program and services to anyone going through difficult times.”
I had the opportunity to meet Mr Van Breugel during a team building morning, thank you to him for his kindness and his knowledge.
Caroline H.
Gijs accompanied us on a team building day. His good humour, his suggestions for activities and his caring and reassuring support around them led to great things, which felt good. Thank you Gijs, it's a pleasure to make a recommendation here.
I called on Gijs for a day to bring together the members of our association. Gijs provided a warm and caring working environment. He helped us to get to know each other better so that we could continue to work better together. He helped us to bring out the best in ourselves in a joint project. I came away from the day full of energy and motivation to take our association forward. Many thanks for your work Gijs
Lefabalab NGO-Non-profit (Rouen-Paris)
A good listener, very caring. No complaints.
Gwendoline T.
Gijs is an effective, dynamic and caring coach. His advice has been very useful to me both professionally and personally.
C'est la première fois que je fais appel à un professionnel de la santé mentale et j'ai eu beaucoup de chance qu'on m'ait conseillé Gijs.Chaque session avec Gijs est chargée de bienveillance, d'écoute, souvent de rire (ce qui permet de décompresser) et lorsque c'est plus difficile, un petit instant de respiration.Gijs écoute, questionne, creuse, tire un fil avec douceur. Il avance à notre rythme et nous aide à ouvrir des portes qu'on ne souhaitait pas ouvrir, à clôturer des chapitres douloureux sur lesquels on avait du mal à avancer.Dans nos doutes, il met en lumière notre avancement, nos forces, il nous aide à rester à la surface et à sortir totalement de la mélasse.Ses exercices qu'il nous propose permettent également à ce qu'on ne reste pas focalisé sur ce qui est mauvais, à pointer ce que l'on ressent véritablement, à mettre des mots sur ce qui nous oppresse.Pour les personnes qui lisent cet avis, je vous conseille grandement de vous tourner vers Gijs. C'est une personne empathique, bienveillant, fortement compétent, et très à l'écoute.
“A professional burnout hit me hard in the face and I was really lost. Fortunately, I found Gijs who helped me through this difficult period. His VIP Powercoaching programme was a revelation for me. I was able to regain my self-confidence and learn how to manage my stress to avoid relapses. I'm really grateful for his ongoing support.”
I recommend Gijs Van Breugel, life and business coach, for his kindness, his ability to make me laugh in the midst of my tears, his positive psychology approach, his empathetic listening and his tenacity in the face of my blockages. He helped me to manage my mental load and to accept my hypersensitivity, turning it into a strength and better serving my shiatsu practice.
Mme Myer
Dynamism, humour, joie de vivre, gentle awareness-raising in a good mood. A very good time
Fleuriane L.
Spreads positive energy, facilitates well-being and networking. Very good group coaching
Delphine Cezarine
Gijs is an exceptional practitioner, he uses all his hats for the well-being of his coachees. I was lucky enough to call on his services during a team building event and I am fully satisfied. Dynamism, positivism, humour, gentleness and well-being = a winning combination! I fully recommend him, thank you Gijs!
During my contacts with Gijs, he realised that I was suffering from a deep malaise that was tending towards depression. Our discussions and sharing, his encouragement and his reassuring words helped me enormously to believe in myself and to change my attitude to external factors. He helped me for several months with personal and professional life coaching and suggested I join the Positive Intelligence programme. This programme helped me to become aware of and break out of negative patterns and reflexes, so that I could transform negative situations into strengths and gifts.
Serge D.
I contacted Gijs when I was suffering from fairly severe depression. His encouragement, confidence and reassuring words helped me enormously to get back on track and regain clarity. He accompanied me for several months in personal and professional life coaching as well as during the positive intelligence programme. This programme helped me to become aware of and break out of negative patterns and reflexes, to transform negative situations into strengths and gifts. Today, I've regained my self-confidence, learnt to manage my saboteurs and my hypersensitivity so that I can turn them into a gift and recreate my new life plan associated with my conversion to shiatsu.
Emilie T.
J'ai fait appel à Gijs lors d'un burn out et d'une dépression sévère. Le travail effectué ensemble m'a permis de reprendre confiance en moi et de m'appuyer sur des techniques de psychologies positives pour retrouver mon calme en cas de besoin.Si certaines séances sont parfois difficiles, l'empathie de Gijs fait qu'on avance petit à petit et la réflexion post-séance fait le reste.